SalesForce Help Center Renewal

UX Design and Design direction on UI (UI design by Jin Yu)

Used worked with Sugar CRM and switched over to SALESFORCE. Worked with Salesforce consulting company and Salesforce Specialist to design renewal of help center. Also redesign the phpbb forum pages to Modern community page.

Design Problems

First time designing for help center and integrate Salesforce.

Because it's first time, didn't know about Salesforce infrastructure limitation and restrictions. 

(Also limitation of our product itself limitation regard the integration)

Once know about it's own restriction, still hard to design around it.

There was no specific product and feature requirement to redesign of the help center so had to do a lot research on the other product help page to get the base line.

(Facebook help page was the closest what we trying to do. With two column layout)

Redesigned IMVU Help Center Home



Previous Help Center Home



Previous Discussions page (phpbb forum)

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Redesign Stage 1

Trying to leverage IMVU web product UI as much as I can so user can have consistent experience as much as possible.


Redesign Stage 2

Frond end was paused middle of it - Didn't fully accomplish what design was trying to do.

Launch as it is but getting more feedback from users and make some update > state 2

This time better understanding of restrictions

Challenge - Front end dev had to change from JQuary and backbone base frontend skill to Angular so it was slow progress also commit issue with salesforce infrastructure )

Knowledge Article Landing page - scrolled up, minimized header

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Knowledge Article List


Knowledge Article Detail


Discussions Page


Mobile Web Layout

Responsive layout. supports 1440 to 330px width view